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Rating System

G - General Audiences

Suitable for all audiences

T - Teen and up (13+)

Content suitable for most audiences. May include moderately harsh language (ass, damn, shit), allusion or reference to romantic or sexual activity or adult themes, but will contain no explicit content on those topics.

M - Mature (17+)

Content may include harsh language (fuck, bitch) depictions of alcohol consumption, adult themes such as trauma, sexual or physical violence, depictions of injury or gore, character death, and others.may include other mature adult themes such as trauma, sexual or physical violence, depictions of injury or gore, character death, and others.

E - Explicit (18+)

Also known as "MA" or "For Mature Adults". This rating features explicit sexual content, and may include all of the content outlined in the "M" rating.


The Legend of Zelda


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One Piece

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